Next Step Management
Next Step Management is specialised in innovative forms of meta regulation and compliance management. New approaches are needed because traditional ways of regulation turn out to be limited in effectiveness.
The challenge is to transform abstract theories into daily practice. This is the core competence of Next Step Management. Concrete projects are the proof of the pudding.
Research Private Compliance Assurance in Environmental Law
In 2013 a research report was issued about private compliance assurance. The report shows possibilities and limitations of compliance assurance by private parties. Also, the report offers a decision tree which can be used to identify industries in which private compliance assurance may be promising and how public supervision can be designed.

USEPA Workshop Next Generation Enforcement
Paul Meerman (Provincie Noord-Brabant) and Martin de Bree (Next Step Management) were invited by USEPA in Washington on December 10 en 11 december to contribute with a ​presentation about meta system based supervision.